Gaming the System

Ever since human beings first devised methods for getting work done, they have looked for ways to game those very systems—that is, to manipulate a process or structure to achieve their own goals while appearing to strive toward those of their firm. This can happen in any organization, regardless of its size, sector, or geography, whether for-profit or not-for-profit. Gaming often lurks below the surface of daily routines, avoiding detection and preventing an organization from realizing its potential. 

This counterproductive practice can be prevented, however. To start, organizational decision-makers must acknowledge the fact that gaming is probably taking place in their company right now. Then they must learn how to systematically analyze the organizational dynamics that may lead to conflicting goals, thus identifying the areas where employees might feel most tempted to game the system.

Gaming the System looks at a series of case examples of how and why organisations can often slip into experiencing gaming the system, as well as ways to prevent gaming from happening.

